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Securing MapFishSample

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Going Further With Security

In this module we’re going to extend the access-control mechanisms implemented previously. More specifically we’re going to modify MapFishSample so users can only edit POIs that are within specific areas.

The goal of this module is to demonstrate the great flexibility of the tools provided by MapFish.

GeoAlchemy will be used in this module.

Extend User Model

First we’re going to extend the user model, by adding a geometry column named area to our user table. We will rely on ``

Task #1

Edit mapfishsample/model/, and do the following steps:

  1. Add the following import statement somewhere near the head of the file:

    from geoalchemy import GeometryColumn, Polygon, GeometryDDL

    Importing GeometryColumn, Polygon and GeometryDDL from the geoalchemy module is necessary for the following two steps.

  2. Add a GeometryColumn property to the User class:

    class User(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'user'
        id = Column(types.Integer, primary_key=True)
        name = Column(types.Unicode)
        login = Column(types.Unicode)
        password = Column(types.Unicode)
        editor = Column(types.Boolean)
        area = GeometryColumn(Polygon(2))
        def validate_password(self, password):
            return self.password == password

    The area property corresponds to the area geometry column we want to add to the user table. This column will be automatically created by GeoAlchemy when running the paster setup-app command.

  3. Right after the definition of the User class add the following statement:


    Calling GeometryDDL tells GeoAlchemy to participate in the creation of the user table, for the creating of the geometry column (which, for PostGIS, involves calling AddGeometryColum).

At this point our new data model is ready, but our user table in the database still has no geometry column. We’re going to change that in the next task.

Task #2

First of all and edit mapfishsample/, and insert the following lines into the setup_app function:

# Drop the user table
from mapfishsample.model import User

Insert these three lines right before the call to Base.metadata.create_all.

With these lines, each time the paster setup-app command is run, the user table is dropped before being created again by create_all.

The entire setup_app function should now look like this:

def setup_app(command, conf, vars):
    ""Place any commands to setup mapfishsample here"""
    # Don't reload the app if it was loaded under the testing environment
    if not pylons.test.pylonsapp:
        load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

    # Drop the user table
    from mapfishsample.model import User

    # Create the tables if they don't already exist

    from mapfishsample.model import User

    # create user "Johane"
    u1 = User() = "Johane"
    u1.login = "johane"
    u1.password = "johane"
    u1.editor = True

    # create user "Alix"
    u2 = User() = "Alix"
    u2.login = "alix"
    u2.password = "alix"
    u2.editor = False

    # add them to the database
    Session.add_all([u1, u2])

You can now run paster setup-app again to recreate the user table in the database:

$ ./buildout/bin/paster setup-app development.ini

The user table should now include a geometry column named area. You can verify that using pgAdmin.

Our user table now has a geometry column, but we have no data for this column yet. The following task involves modifying to assign give “Johane” an area (user “Alix” isn’t an editor, so it makes no sense to give her an area).

Task #3

Edit mapfishsample/ again, and insert the following three lines after u1.editor = True:

from geoalchemy import WKTSpatialElement
u1.area = WKTSpatialElement('POLYGON((657053 5711411,658006 5711411,658006 5711854,657053 5711854,657053 5711411))')

Run paster setup-app again:

$ ./buildout/bin/paster setup-app development.ini

Use pgAdmin to verify that an area has been assigned to “Johane”.

Secure POI Web Service

Now that our data model is ready, we can go ahead and add more security restrictions to the POI web service.

Task #4

Edit mapfishsample/ and modify the update method so a 403 response is returned if the user’s area doesn’t contain the targeted POI:

def update(self, id):
    """PUT /id: Update an existing feature."""
    if c.user.editor == False:
    poi = Session.query(Poi).get(id)
    if poi is None:
    poi_wkt =  Session.scalar(poi.the_geom.wkt)
    if not Session.scalar(c.user.area.gcontains(poi_wkt)):
    return self.protocol.update(request, response, id)

We heavily rely on the capabilities of GeoAlchemy here. To better understand the added code you can refer to the GeoAlchemy documention on

Open or reload http://mapfish in the browser, log in with johane/johane, and verify in the FireBug console that you get 403 errors when attempting to update POIs that are outside the user’s area.

Task #5

As an exercice you can modify the delete and create actions of the POI controller to implement the same kind access-control as for the update action.

Note that the create action will require more code, as WKT strings will need to be created from the GeoJSON representations of the geometries.