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SQLAlchemy tutorial

This tutorial provides a quick tour of SQLAlchemy. It is based on Chapter 7 of the Pylons Book


Before installing SQLAlchemy you are going to create a virtual Python environment.

Download the virtualenv package first:

$ wget
$ tar xvzf virtualenv-1.3.2.tar.gz

Then, create and activate the virtual Python environment with:

$ python virtualenv-1.3.2/ --no-site-packages env
$ source env/bin/activate

Now that the virtual Python environment is set up, install SQLAlchemy with:

$ easy_install "SQLAlchemy==0.5.2"

Engine API

The lowest-level API you are going to use is the Engine API. This API allows you to create connections to the database, send SQL statements and retrieve results. Let’s test an example with SQLite. Create a file named with the following content:

from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
connection = engine.connect()
    CREATE TABLE users (
        username VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY,
        password VARCHAR NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (?, ?);
    "foo", "bar"
result = connection.execute("SELECT username FROM users")
for row in result:
    print "username:", row['username']

A SQLAlchemy engine is created by calling the create_engine function, passing it a Data Source Name (DSN). Note that echo=True is also passed here, this tells the engine object to log all the SQL it executed to sys.stdout.

connection is a SQLAlchemy Connection object. result is a SQLAlchemy ResultProxy object that allows you to iterate over the results of the statement you executed.

A SQLAlchemy engine works with a pool of connection. When your application calls engine.connect() to obtain a connection, SQLAlchemy can return one of the connections from the pool rather than creating a new one.

Metadata and Type APIs

Together the metadata and type systems describe the database schema in an RDBMS-independent manner.

Create a new file called with the following content:

from sqlalchemy import schema, types

metadata = schema.MetaData()

page_table = schema.Table('page', metadata,
    schema.Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True),
    schema.Column('name', types.Unicode(255), default=u''),
    schema.Column('title', types.Unicode(255), default=u'Untitled Page'),
    schema.Column('content', types.Text(), default=u''),
for t in metadata.sorted_tables:
    print "Table name: ",
    print "t is page_table: ", t is page_table

for column in page_table.columns:
    print "Column Table name: ", column.type

from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
metadata.bind = engine


The metadata object holds all the information about the tables, columns, types, foreigh keys, indexes, and sequences that make up the database structure.

The metadata object can be used to create the tables in the database. For this bind the metadata to an engine, and call its create_all method.

SQL Expression API

The SQL Expression API allows you to build SQL queries using Python objects and operators.


Let’s create a new file called and add the following to it:

from metadata_test import engine, page_table

print "\nInserting\n"

connection = engine.connect()
ins = page_table.insert(
    values=dict(name=u'test', title=u'Test Page', content=u'Some content!')
print ins
result = connection.execute(ins)
print result


The ins object automatically generates the correct SQL to insert the values specified. It is to be noted that SQLAlchemy handles any type conversion of the values specified to insert() using its type system, thus removing any chance of SQL injection attacks.

This simple example shows how to insert and select data through the SQL Expression API.


Edit and add the following before the connection.close() statement:

print "\nSelecting\n"

from sqlalchemy.sql import select

s = select([page_table])
result = connection.execute(s)
for row in result:
    print row

The above code should be self-explained.

To add WHERE clauses, you will pass a SQLAlchemy expression as the second argument to the select call. To examplify this, edit and replace the above code with:

print "\nSelecting\n"

from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from sqlalchemy.sql import and_, or_, not_

s = select([page_table], and_(<=10,'t%')))
s = s.order_by(page_table.c.title.desc(),
result = connection.execute(s)
print result.fetchall()

Examine the output to understand the SQLAlchemy expression used here.


Update statements look like this:

print "\nUpdating Results\n"

from sqlalchemy import update

u = update(page_table, page_table.c.title==u'New Title')
connection.execute(u, title=u"Updated Title")

You can add the above to


Delete statements look like this:

print "\nDeleting Row\n"

from sqlalchemy import delete

d = delete(page_table,

Again, you can add the above code block to the file.

Object-Relational API

The highest-level API SQLAlchemy provides is the Object-Relational API, which is the one you will spend the majority of your time in your Pylons applications. The API allows to work directly with Python objects without needing to think too much about the SQL that would normally be required to work with them.

Before delving into the Object-Relational API itself, let’s describe the database schema you are going to rely on in this section. Create a file with this content:

from sqlalchemy import orm
import datetime
from sqlalchemy import schema, types

metadata = schema.MetaData()

def now():

page_table = schema.Table('page', metadata,
    schema.Column('id', types.Integer,
        schema.Sequence('page_seq_id', optional=True), primary_key=True),
    schema.Column('content', types.Text(), nullable=False),
    schema.Column('posted', types.DateTime(), default=now),
    schema.Column('title', types.Unicode(255), default=u'Untitled Page'),
    schema.Column('heading', types.Unicode(255)),
comment_table = schema.Table('comment', metadata,
    schema.Column('id', types.Integer,
        schema.Sequence('comment_seq_id', optional=True), primary_key=True),
    schema.Column('pageid', types.Integer,
        schema.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False),
    schema.Column('content', types.Text(), default=u''),
    schema.Column('name', types.Unicode(255)),
    schema.Column('email', types.Unicode(255), nullable=False),
    schema.Column('created', types.TIMESTAMP(), default=now()),
pagetag_table = schema.Table('pagetag', metadata,
    schema.Column('id', types.Integer,
        schema.Sequence('pagetag_seq_id', optional=True), primary_key=True),
    schema.Column('pageid', types.Integer, schema.ForeignKey('')),
    schema.Column('tagid', types.Integer, schema.ForeignKey('')),
tag_table = schema.Table('tag', metadata,
    schema.Column('id', types.Integer,
        schema.Sequence('tag_seq_id', optional=True), primary_key=True),
    schema.Column('name', types.Unicode(20), nullable=False, unique=True),

There are new things to note in this description:

  • the use of primary_key to tell SQLAlchemy about the primary keys
  • the use of ForeignKey to tell SQLAlchemy about how tables are relared
  • the use of Sequence
  • the use of unique=True to enforce UNIQUE constraints


Now that you have defined the table structures, you need to define classes and mappers to work with the Object-Relational API. Add the following to the file:

class Page(object):

class Comment(object):

class Tag(object):

orm.mapper(Page, page_table, properties={
    'comments':orm.relation(Comment, backref='page'),
    'tags':orm.relation(Tag, secondary=pagetag_table)
orm.mapper(Comment, comment_table)
orm.mapper(Tag, tag_table)

With the above, the Page class is mapped to the page_table object. Likewise, the Comment and Tag classes are mapped to the comment_table and tag_table objects, respectively.

The first mapper statement also tell SQLAlchemy that a Page object should have extra properties called comments and tags, which should return all the Comment and Tag objects related to that page. The mapper for Comment doesn’t need the page property specified because the mapper for Page has already specified it via backref. The mapper for Tag doesn’t need to have the relation to Page specified because SQLAlchemy can already work it out via the secondary argument.

SQLAlchemy’s Object-Relational API includes lots of features. Look at the SQLAlchemy documentation to know about them.

Create the Session

SQLAlchemy manages the mapped objects in a so-called session.

Create a file called and add the following content:

import model
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# Create an engine and create all the tables we need
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
model.metadata.bind = engine

# Set up the session
sm = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True, autocommit=False,
session = orm.scoped_session(sm)

The sessionmaker function returns an object for building the particular session you want. To understand the options passed to sessionmaker you need to know some terminology:

  • flushing is the process of updating the database with the objects you have been working with,
  • committing is the process of sending a COMMIT statement to the database to make those flushes permanent.

Let’s now look at the arguments being passed to sessionmaker:

  • bind=engine: this binds the session to the engine, the session will automatically create the connections it needs.
  • autoflush=True: if you commit your changes to the database before they have been flushed, this option tells SQLAlchemy to flush them before the commit is gone.
  • autocommit=False: this tells SQLAlchemy to wrap all changes between commits in a transaction. If autocommit=True is specified, SQLAlchemy automatically commits any changes after each flush; this is undesired in most cases.
  • expire_on_commit=True: this means that all instances attached to the session will be fully expired after each commit so that all attribute/object access subsequent to a completed transaction will load from the most recent database state.

The scoped_session() object ensures that a different session is used for each thread so that every request can have its own access to the database.

Use the Session

In this section you are going to insert, delete, update and query database objects using the session created in the previous section.


Start a Python prompt in the same directory where you’ve been writing and

Import the session object from the object_test module:

>>> from object_test import session

Now import the model module and create a new page:

>>> import model

>>> test_page = model.Page()
>>> test_page.title = u'Test Page'
>>> test_page.content = u'Test content'
>>> test_page.title
u'Test Page'

Add the object to the session:

>>> session.add(test_page)
>>> print

At this point the test_page object is known to SQLAlchemy, but not to the database. To send it to the database, a flush operation can be forced:

>>> session.flush()
>>> print

Now let’s commit the changes:

>>> session.commit()

SQLAlchemy sends the COMMIT statement that permanently commits the flushed changes and ends the transaction.


To delete the test_page object from the database you would use:

>>> session.delete(test_page)
>>> session.flush()

At this point you can either commit the transaction or do a rollback. Let’s do a rollback this time:

>>> session.rollback()

SQLAlchemy sends a ROLLBACK statement to the database.


Queries are performed with query objects that are created from the session. The simplest way to create and use a query object is like this:

>>> page_q = session.query(model.Page)
>>> for page in page_q:
...     print page.title
Test Page

Try the following statements and observe the SQL queries sent to the database by SQLAlchemy:

>>> page_q.all()

>>> page = page_q.first()
>>> page.title

>>> page_q[2:5]

>>> page_q.get(1)

Working with Objects

Now let’s think about how you could add a comment to a page. One approach would be to insert a new row in the comment table using the SQL Expression API, ensuring that the pageid field contained the value 1 so that the comment was associated with the correct page via a foreign key. The Object-Relational API provides a much better approach:

>>> comment1 = model.Comment()
>>> u'James'
>>> = u''
>>> comment1.content = u'This page needs a bit more detail ;-)'
>>> comment2 = model.Comment()
>>> = u'Mike'
>>> = u''
>>> page.comments.append(comment1)
>>> page.comments.append(comment2)
>>> session.commit()

The interesting thing to note is that rather than having manually set each comment’s .pageid attribute, you simply appended the comments to the page’s .comments attribute. Note also that there was no need to explicitely add the comments to the session, SQLAlchemy was smart enough to realize that they have been appended to an object that was already in the session.

There’s a lot more to learn about SQLAlchemy. Please refer to the official SQLAlchemy documentation.