A | |
abort, OpenLayers. Protocol.HTTP | |
activate mapfish. widgets. data. GridRowFeatureMediatormapfish. widgets. data. LayerStoreMediatormapfish. widgets. data. SearchStoreMediatorOpenLayers. Control. DragFeatureOpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeatureOpenLayers. Control. NavigationHistoryOpenLayers. Control. PanelOpenLayers. Control. SnappingOpenLayers. Control. SplitOpenLayers. HandlerOpenLayers. Handler. PointOpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygonOpenLayers. Strategy. ClusterOpenLayers. Strategy. PagingOpenLayers. Strategy.Save | |
activateControl, OpenLayers. Control. Panel | |
add | |
addComponent, OpenLayers. Geometry. LinearRing | |
addComponents, OpenLayers. Geometry. Collection | |
addControl, OpenLayers.Map | |
addControls, OpenLayers. Control. Panel | |
addEventType, OpenLayers. Events | |
addFeatures | |
addLayer, OpenLayers.Map | |
addLayers, OpenLayers.Map | |
addMarker, OpenLayers. Layer. Markers | |
addNodes, OpenLayers. Layer. PointTrack | |
addOptions, OpenLayers. Layer | |
addPoint, OpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPoint | |
addPopup, OpenLayers.Map | |
addRules, OpenLayers. Style | |
addSyncTask, mapfish. Offline | |
addTile, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid | |
addTransform, OpenLayers. Projection | |
Ajax.js | |
allOverlays, OpenLayers.Map | |
alwaysInRange, OpenLayers. Layer | |
Anchored, OpenLayers. Popup. Anchored. OpenLayers. Popup | |
AnchoredBubble, OpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubble. OpenLayers. Popup | |
animationEnabled, OpenLayers. Layer. VirtualEarth | |
append | |
applyClassification | |
ArcGIS93Rest, OpenLayers. Layer. ArcGIS93Rest. OpenLayers. Layer | |
ArcIMS, OpenLayers. Layer. ArcIMS. OpenLayers. Layer | |
ArcXML, OpenLayers. Format. ArcXML. OpenLayers. Format | |
areaTags, OpenLayers. Format.OSM | |
ArgParser, OpenLayers. Control. ArgParser. OpenLayers. Control | |
argParserClass, OpenLayers. Control. Permalink | |
arrayEqual, mapfish.Util | |
ascending | |
assert, OpenLayers. Console | |
async, OpenLayers. Layer. ArcIMS | |
attributes, OpenLayers. Feature. Vector | |
attribution, OpenLayers. Layer | |
Attribution, OpenLayers. Control. Attribution. OpenLayers. Control | |
auto, OpenLayers. Strategy.Save | |
autoActivate | |
autoFocusMode, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureList | |
automaticMode, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureList | |
autoPan, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap | |
autoSize |
Abort an ongoing request, the response object passed to this method must come from this HTTP protocol (as a result of a create, read, update, delete or commit operation).
abort: function( response )
Activate the mediator.
activate: function()
Activate the mediator.
activate: function()
Activate the mediator.
activate: function()
Activate the control and the feature handler.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function()
turn on the handler
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
activateControl: function ( control )
add:function( x, y )
add:function( lon, lat )
add:function( x, y )
Adds a point to geometry components.
addComponent: function( point, index )
Add components to this geometry.
addComponents: function( components )
addControl: function ( control, px )
To build a toolbar, you add a set of controls to it.
addControls: function( controls )
Add a new event type to this events object.
addEventType: function( eventName )
Add features to the store.
addFeatures: function( features, config )
Add Features to the layer.
addFeatures: function( features, options )
addLayer: function ( layer )
addLayers: function ( layers )
addMarker: function( marker )
Adds point features that will be used to create lines from, using point pairs.
addNodes: function( pointFeatures )
addOptions: function ( newOptions )
Wrapper for OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.addComponent
addPoint: function( point, index )
addPopup: function( popup, exclusive )
Adds rules to this style.
addRules: function( rules )
Informs the component that a sync operation is pending.
addSyncTask: function( label )
Gives subclasses of Grid the opportunity to create an OpenLayer.Tile of their choosing.
addTile:function( bounds, position )
Set a custom transform method between two projections.
OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform = function( from, to, method )
To be overriden by subclasses.
applyClassification: function( options )
Style the features based on the classification
applyClassification: function( options )
This function loops over the layer’s features and applies already given classification.
applyClassification: function( options )
Compare two arrays containing primitive types.
mapfish.Util.arrayEqual = function( a, b )
Tests that an expression is true.
assert: function()