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 MapComponent, mapfish. widgets. MapComponent. mapfish. widgets
 MapFish, mapfish. Protocol. MapFish. mapfish. Protocol
 mapfish. ColorRgb
 mapfish. GeoStat
 mapfish. GeoStat. Choropleth
 mapfish. GeoStat. ProportionalSymbol
 mapfish. Offline
 mapfish. PrintProtocol
 mapfish. Protocol
 mapfish. Protocol. MapFish
 mapfish. Protocol. MergeFilterDecorator
 mapfish. Protocol. TriggerEventDecorator
 mapfish. Searcher
 mapfish. Searcher.Form
 mapfish. Searcher.Map
 mapfish. Strategy. ProtocolListener
 mapfish. widgets. data. FeatureReader
 mapfish. widgets. data. FeatureStore
 mapfish. widgets. data. FeatureStoreMediator
 mapfish. widgets. data. GridRowFeatureMediator
 mapfish. widgets. data. LayerStoreMediator
 mapfish. widgets. data. SearchStoreMediator
 mapfish. widgets. editing. BaseProperty
 mapfish. widgets. editing. DateProperty
 mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureEditingPanel
 mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureList
 mapfish. widgets. editing. IntegerProperty
 mapfish. widgets. editing. SimpleProperty
 mapfish. widgets. editing. StringProperty
 mapfish. widgets. geostat. Choropleth
 mapfish. widgets. geostat. ProportionalSymbol
 mapfish. widgets. LayerTree
 mapfish. widgets. MapComponent
 mapfish. widgets. print.Base
 mapfish. widgets. print. BaseWidget
 mapfish. widgets. print. MultiPage
 mapfish. widgets. print. PrintAction
 mapfish. widgets. print. SimpleForm
 mapfish. widgets. recenter.Base
 mapfish. widgets. recenter. Coords
 mapfish. widgets. recenter. DataField
 mapfish. widgets. search.Form
 mapfish. widgets. Shortcuts
 mapfish. widgets. toolbar. CheckItem
 mapfish. widgets. toolbar. MenuItem
 mapfish. widgets. toolbar. Toolbar
 MapGuide, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide. OpenLayers. Layer
 MapGuide OS uses a DPI value and degrees to meters conversion, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide
 mapOptions, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 MapServer, OpenLayers. Layer. MapServer. OpenLayers. Layer
 Marker, OpenLayers. Marker. OpenLayers
 markers, OpenLayers. Layer. Markers
 Markers, OpenLayers. Layer. Markers. OpenLayers. Layer
 max, mapfish.Util
 MAX_PIXEL, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 maxDepth, OpenLayers. Format.KML
 maxRatio, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 maxRecords, OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetRecords. v2_0_2
 maxScaleDenominator, OpenLayers.Rule
 Measure, OpenLayers. Control. Measure. OpenLayers. Control
 MenuItem, mapfish. widgets. toolbar. MenuItem. mapfish. widgets. toolbar
 MergeFilterDecorator, mapfish. Protocol. MergeFilterDecorator. mapfish. Protocol
 method, mapfish. GeoStat. Choropleth
 min, mapfish.Util
 minRatio, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 minRectDisplayClass, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 minRectSize, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 minScaleDenominator, OpenLayers.Rule
 MOD_ALT, OpenLayers. Handler. OpenLayers. Handler
 MOD_CTRL, OpenLayers. Handler. OpenLayers. Handler
 MOD_NONE, OpenLayers. Handler. OpenLayers. Handler
 MOD_SHIFT, OpenLayers. Handler. OpenLayers. Handler
 model, mapfish. widgets. LayerTree
 ModifyFeature, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature. OpenLayers. Control
 MouseDefaults, OpenLayers. Control. MouseDefaults. OpenLayers. Control
 MousePosition, OpenLayers. Control. MousePosition. OpenLayers. Control
 MouseToolbar, OpenLayers. Control. MouseToolbar. OpenLayers. Control
 MouseWheel, OpenLayers. Handler. MouseWheel. OpenLayers. Handler
 MultiLineString, OpenLayers. Geometry. MultiLineString. OpenLayers. Geometry
 MultiMap, OpenLayers. Layer. MultiMap. OpenLayers. Layer
 MultiPage, mapfish. widgets. print. MultiPage. mapfish. widgets. print
 multipleKey, OpenLayers. Control. GetFeature
 MultiPoint, OpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPoint. OpenLayers. Geometry
 MultiPolygon, OpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPolygon. OpenLayers. Geometry
 mutual, OpenLayers. Control. Split
{OpenLayers.Map} OpenLayers Map object.
{OpenLayers.Map} Where to display the selected geometries
{OpenLayers.Map} A reference to the OpenLayers map object.
{OpenLayers.Map} The OpenLayers Map object.
{OpenLayers.Map} This variable is set when the layer is added to the map, via the accessor function setMap().
options {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the instance.
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Map instance.
Create a new MapComponent.
The mapfish object provides a namespace for all things
Class for representing RGB colors.
Base class for geo-statistics.
Use this class to create choropleths on a map.
Use this class to create proportional symbols on a map.
MapFish Offline core component.
Class to communicate with the print module.
Contains convenience methods for protocol manipulation.
MapFish Protocol class.
Instances of this class decorate a protocol by merging filters provided by searchers before invoking the decorated protocol’s read method.
Decorator class responsible to trigger events when requests are sent and received.
Base searcher class.
Use this class to create a form searcher.
Use this class to create a Map searcher.
A strategy that listens to “crudfinished” and “clear” events triggered by a mapfish.Protocol.TriggerEventDecorator protocol, upon receiving a “crudfinished” event and if the request is of type “read”, the strategy adds the received features to the layer, upon receiving a “clear” event, the strategy destroys the features in the layer.
Utility functions
FeatureReader is a specific
Helper class to ease creating stores of features.
This class is to be used when one wants to insert features in a store.
A mediator for selecting feature on grid row selection and vice-vera.
This class is to be used when one wants to insert, remove, and update features in a grid as a result of features being inserted, removed, modified in a vector layer.
This class is to be used when one wants to insert search results (features) in a store; it works by listening to “crudfinished” and “clear” events triggered by a mapfish.Protocol.TriggerEvent protocol.
Abstract base class for the properties object used in the layerConfig property of the mapfish.widgets.editing.FeatureEditingPanel class.
A property that is shown as a date picker.
This class provides a panel for editing features.
Use this class to create an editable grid of features.
Extension of mapfish.widgets.editing.BaseProperty for integer properties.
Extends mapfish.widgets.editing.BaseProperty to show string or numeric properties with an Ext.form.TextField.
Extension of mapfish.widgets.editing.BaseProperty for string properties.
Use this class to create a widget allowing to display choropleths on the map.
Use this class to create a widget allowing to display proportional symbols on the map.
Extension of Ext TreePanel to show a tree that can control OpenLayers layers.
A map container in order to be able to insert a map into a complex layout Its main interest is to update the map size when the container is resized
Base class for the Ext components used to communicate with the print module, automatically take the layers from the given {OpenLayers.Map} instance.
Base class for the Ext panels used to communicate with the print module, automatically take the layers from the given {OpenLayers.Map} instance.
Automatically takes the layers from the given {OpenLayers.Map} instance.
An OpenLayers control that generates a PDF based on the Map’s extent
Automatically takes the layers from the given {OpenLayers.Map} instance.
Base class for various recentering tools.
Recenters (and zooms if asked) on user-provided coordinates.
Display a list of elements corresponding to the user input and recenters on the selected element.
Shorcuts to get the map zoomed to a preconfigured locations.
A Check item is associated with an OpenLayers Handler through an OpenLayers Control.
A Menu item is associated with an OpenLayers Control of type BUTTON and will call trigger on it.
A toolbar shows a set of OpenLayers Controls and handle activating them.
Create a new Mapguide layer, either tiled or untiled.
factor that are different than the defaults used in OpenLayers, so these must be adjusted accordingly in your application.
{Object} An object containing any non-default properties to be sent to the overview map’s map constructor.
Create a new MapServer layer object
{Array(OpenLayers.Marker)} internal marker list
Create a Markers layer.
mapfish.Util.max = function(array)
Return the max of the elements of an array.
{Integer} Firefox has a limitation where values larger or smaller than about 15000 in an SVG document lock the browser up.
{Integer} 19
{Integer} 17
{Integer} 17
{Integer} 17
{Integer} Maximum depth for recursive loading external KML URLs Defaults to 0: do no external fetching
{OpenLayers.Bounds} The center of these bounds will not stray outside of the viewport extent during panning.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} The maximum extent for the map.
{Integer} Maximum number of features to return from a query, if supported by the protocol.
{Integer} Maximum number of features to return from a WMS query.
{Float} The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther in on the overview map.
{String} Value of the maxRecords attribute of the GetRecords element, specifies the maximum number of records in the GetRecords response, 10 is the default.
{Float} Default max is 360 deg / 256 px, which corresponds to zoom level 0 on gmaps.
{Float} Default max is 360 deg / 256 px, which corresponds to zoom level 0 on gmaps.
{Number} or {String} maximum scale at which to draw the feature.
{Integer} The maximum radius size
{OpenLayers.Size} Maximum size allowed for the popup’s contents.
Create a new MenuItem.
Catch changeParams and uppercase the new params to be merged in before calling changeParams on the super class.
Modify parameters for the layer and redraw.
Catch changeParams and uppercase the new params to be merged in before calling changeParams on the super class.
{Integer} Specifies the distribution method to use.
mapfish.Util.min = function(array)
Return the min of the elements of an array.
{Integer} 0
{Integer} 1
{Integer} 1
{Integer} 0
{Float} The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther out on the overview map.
{String} Replacement style class name for the extent rectangle when minRectSize is reached.
{Integer} The minimum width or height (in pixels) of the extent rectangle on the overview map.
{Number} or {String} minimum scale at which to draw the feature.
{Integer} The minimum radius size
{OpenLayers.Size} Minimum size allowed for the popup’s contents.
If set as the keyMask, checkModifiers returns false if Alt is down.
If set as the keyMask, checkModifiers returns false if Ctrl is down.
If set as the keyMask, checkModifiers returns false if any key is down.
If set as the keyMask, checkModifiers returns false if Shift is down.
{String} Either mapfish.Searcher.Map.CLICK or mapfish.Searcher.Map.HOVER or mapfish.Searcher.Map.BOX, or mapfish.Searcher.Map.EXTENT, defaults to mapfish.Searcher.Map.CLICK.
{Integer} Bitfields specifying the modification mode.
{Array(Object)} Hierarchical structure to build the tree.
Create a new modify feature control.
move: function(x,
Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
move: function(x,
Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
move: function(x,
Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
Constructor for a MultiLineString Geometry.
{Boolean} Allow selection of multiple geometries.
{Boolean} Allow selection of multiple geometries.
{String} An event modifier (‘altKey’ or ‘shiftKey’) that temporarily sets the multiple property to true.
Create a new MultiPoint Geometry
Create a new MultiPolygon geometry
{Boolean} If source and target layers are the same, split source features and target features where they intersect.