
A handler for mouse clicks.  The intention of this handler is to give controls more flexibility with handling clicks.  Browsers trigger click events twice for a double-click.  In addition, the mousedown, mousemove, mouseup sequence fires a click event.  With this handler, controls can decide whether to ignore clicks associated with a double click.  By setting a pixelTolerance, controls can also ignore clicks that include a drag.  Create a new instance with the OpenLayers.Handler.Click constructor.

Inherits from

OpenLayers.Handler.ClickA handler for mouse clicks.
delay{Number} Number of milliseconds between clicks before the event is considered a double-click.
single{Boolean} Handle single clicks.
double{Boolean} Handle double-clicks.
pixelTolerance{Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an event to be considered a click.
stopSingle{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of clicks.
stopDouble{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of double-clicks.
OpenLayers.Handler.ClickCreate a new click handler.
deactivateDeactivate the handler.



{Number} Number of milliseconds between clicks before the event is considered a double-click.


{Boolean} Handle single clicks.  Default is true.  If false, clicks will not be reported.  If true, single-clicks will be reported.


{Boolean} Handle double-clicks.  Default is false.


{Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an event to be considered a click.  Default is 0.  If set to an integer value, clicks with a drag greater than the value will be ignored.  This property can only be set when the handler is constructed.


{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of clicks.  Default is false.  If true, any click listeners registered before this one will not be notified of any click event (associated with double or single clicks).


{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of double-clicks.  Default is false.  If true, any click listeners registered before this one will not be notified of any double-click events.

The one caveat with stopDouble is that given a map with two click handlers, one with stopDouble true and the other with stopSingle true, the stopSingle handler should be activated last to get uniform cross-browser performance.  Since IE triggers one click with a dblclick and FF triggers two, if a stopSingle handler is activated first, all it gets in IE is a single click when the second handler stops propagation on the dblclick.



Create a new click handler.


control{OpenLayers.Control} The control that is making use of this handler.  If a handler is being used without a control, the handler’s setMap method must be overridden to deal properly with the map.
callbacks{Object} An object with keys corresponding to callbacks that will be called by the handler.  The callbacks should expect to recieve a single argument, the click event.  Callbacks for ‘click’ and ‘dblclick’ are supported.
options{Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the handler.



deactivate: function()

Deactivate the handler.


{Boolean} The handler was successfully deactivated.

deactivate: function()
Deactivate the handler.
{Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an event to be considered a click.
Create a new click handler.
Base class to construct a higher-level handler for event sequences.
Controls affect the display or behavior of the map.