OpenLayers. | |
Properties | |
isBaseLayer | {Boolean} WFS layer is not a base layer by default. |
ratio | {Float} The ratio property determines the size of the serverside query relative to the map viewport size. |
featureClass | {OpenLayers.Feature} If featureClass is defined, an old-style markers based WFS layer is created instead of a new-style vector layer. |
format | {OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with. |
formatOptions | {Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created. |
encodeBBOX | {Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? |
extractAttributes | {Boolean} Should the WFS layer parse attributes from the retrieved GML? |
Constructor | |
OpenLayers. | |
Functions | |
destroy | |
mergeNewParams | Modify parameters for the layer and redraw. |
clone | |
getFullRequestString | combine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams. |
commit | Write out the data to a WFS server. |
commitReport | Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter. |
refresh | Refreshes all the features of the layer |
getDataExtent | Calculates the max extent which includes all of the layer data. |
setOpacity | Call the setOpacity method of the appropriate parent class to set the opacity. |
{Float} The ratio property determines the size of the serverside query relative to the map viewport size. By default, we load an area twice as big as the map, to allow for panning without immediately reload. Setting this to 1 will cause the area of the WFS request to match the map area exactly. It is recommended to set this to some number at least slightly larger than 1, otherwise accidental clicks can cause a data reload, by moving the map only 1 pixel.
{OpenLayers.Feature} If featureClass is defined, an old-style markers based WFS layer is created instead of a new-style vector layer. If sent, this should be a subclass of OpenLayers.Feature
{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with. Must be passed in the constructor. Should be a class, not an instance. This option can only be used if no featureClass is passed / vectorMode is false: if a featureClass is passed, then this parameter is ignored.
clone: function ( obj )
obj | {Object} |
{OpenLayers.Layer.WFS} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
getFullRequestString:function( newParams, altUrl )
combine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.
Add the SRS parameter from ‘projection’ -- this is probably more eloquently done via a setProjection() method, but this works for now and always.
newParams | {Object} |
altUrl | {String} Use this as the url instead of the layer’s url |
commitReport: function( string, response )
Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter. Override this function to provide custom transaction reporting.
string | {String} reporting string |
response | {String} full XML response |
destroy: function()
Modify parameters for the layer and redraw.
mergeNewParams:function( newParams )
clone: function ( obj )
combine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.
getFullRequestString:function( newParams, altUrl )
Write out the data to a WFS server.
commit: function()
Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter.
commitReport: function( string, response )
Refreshes all the features of the layer
refresh: function()
Calculates the max extent which includes all of the layer data.
getDataExtent: function ()
Call the setOpacity method of the appropriate parent class to set the opacity.
setOpacity: function ( opacity )