In this workshop we will use the official MapFish demo application, MapFishSample, as the base for discussion.
In this module you’re going to install, set up, and run the MapFishSample application. You’re also going to learn about Buildout, the tool used to build and deploy MapFishSample.
As a reference you can view the official demo at
The MapFishSample application is available in the MapFish SVN repository. To install it you first need to check out its source code from SVN.
Task #1
Open a terminal, change to the mapfish_workshop directory, and check out MapFishSample:
$ cd ~/mapfish_workshop
$ svn co MapFishSample
The mapfish_workshop directory should now include a directory named MapFishSample.
You can observe that the structure of MapFishSample is similar to that of the MyApp application that you created previously. MapFishSample is a MapFish application!
Yet, you should notice differences. Among other things, MapFishSample has a directory named buildout, which the MyApp application created earlier doesn’t have. This directory is where Buildout will set up the Python environment for the MapFishSample application.
Building and deploying MapFishSample is done using Buildout.
“Buildout is a Python-based build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts, some of which may be non-Python-based. It lets you create a buildout configuration and reproduce the same software later.”
To use Buildout a Buildout configuration file must be written. MapFishSample includes multiple Buildout configuration files: buildout.cfg contains the common part of the Buildout configuration, it is extended by other files, such as buildout_demo-mapfish-org.cfg, which include specificities.
buildout_demo-mapfish-org.cfg is the Buildout configuration file used for deploying MapFishSample on
Task #2
Edit buildout.cfg and study it.
A Buildout configuration file is composed of sections named parts, and each part is associated to a recipe. Here is an example of a part:
recipe = collective.recipe.modwsgi
eggs = MapfishSample
config-file = ${buildout:directory}/production.ini
The modwsgi part is associated to the collective.recipe.modwsgi recipe. A recipe is a Python package, typically distributed from the Python Package Index. You can look at the Buildout documentation for more information.
MapFishSample uses Buildout for multiple things:
The first three items pertain to the deployment of MapFishSample, while the last three items pertain to the building of MapFishSample.
MapFishSample comes with a script. This script is to be used to bootstrap Buildout, i.e. download and install Buildout in the buildout directory.
Task #3
Change directory to MapFishSample and bootstrap Buildout using this command:
$ cd ~/mapfish_workshop/MapFishSample
$ python --distribute --version 1.5.2
The --distribute switch tells Buildout to rely on Distribute for installing Python packages (Distribute is a fork of Setuptools). Setting --version to 1.5.2 specifies that Buildout version 1.5.2 is to be installed and used. This version is known to work with MapFishSample.
MapFishSample comes with a sample Buildout configuration file, buildout_sample.cfg, which one can use as a base for one’s own Buildout configuration file.
Task #4
Open buildout_sample.cfg in an editor and notice that it extends buildout.cfg.
To create a Buildout configuration file you can copy buildout_sample.cfg, say to buildout_mine.cfg, and adapt it as necessary.
Task #5
Copy buildout_sample.cfg to a new file named buildout_mine.cfg:
$ cp buildout_sample.cfg buildout_mine.cfg
Adapt buildout_mine.cfg as you see fit (no modification should be required).
Run Buildout:
$ ./buildout/bin/buildout -c buildout_mine.cfg
The -c specificies the Buildout configuration file to use. If none is specified buildout.cfg is assumed.
The Buildout process should take some time, it should end with the following output:
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
*************** /PICKED VERSIONS ***************
After running Buildout MapFishSample is built, deployed, and ready to run.
For development or a quick test MapFishSample can be run in the Paste HTTP Server, which is installed by Buildout in the Python environment as a MapFish dependency.
Task #6
Run MapFishSample using the Paste HTTP Server:
$ ./buildout/bin/paster serve development.ini
Open http://localhost:5000 in the browser.
Use CTRL+C to stop the server.
During development one can use the --reload switch to make the Paste HTTP Server reload the application when Python files are modified:
$ ./buildout/bin/paster serve --reload development.ini
For production MapFishSample is run under Apache modwsgi. Using modwsgi has several advantages over using the Paste server:
Using modwsgi requires writing a so-called modwsgi script. The Buildout [modwsgi] part takes care of creating that script, it creates it in buildout/parts/modwsgi/wsgi.
Using modwsgi also requires adding modwsgi-specific directives to the Apache configuration. MapFishSample comes with a default Apache configuration. That configuration can be included from the main Apache configuration with a statement like this:
Include /home/user/mapfish_workshop/MapFishSample/apache/*.conf
Task #7
Edit apache/wsgi.conf and pay attention to the WSGI-specific directives. Notice also that the static content of MapFishSample is directly served by Apache.
Task #8
Edit /var/www/mapfish/conf/mapfishsample.conf, uncomment the Include line, and verify that it’s correct:
Include /home/user/mapfish_workshop/MapFishSample/apache/*.conf
Reload Apache:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Open http://mapfish/ in the browser.
“mapfish” is the server name of the Apache VirtualHost. See /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mapfish.
You can verify that the modwsgi process is running by using the ps command:
$ ps aux | grep wsgi
user 16152 0.0 3.5 248312 36288 ? Sl 16:23 0:00 (wsgi:mapfishsamp -k start
MapFishSample has the following features:
Task #9
Open http://mapfish/ in the browser. Hit F12 to open FireBug, and open the FireBug console.