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Installing and Running MapFishSample

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Understanding MapFish

MapFish is a flexible and complete framework for building rich web-mapping applications. It emphasizes high productivity, and high-quality development.

MapFish is based on the Pylons Python web framework. MapFish extends Pylons with geospatial-specific functionality. For example MapFish provides specific tools for easily creating web services that allow querying and editing geographic objects.

MapFish also provides a complete RIA-oriented JavaScript toolbox, a JavaScript testing environment, and tools for compressing JavaScript code. The JavaScript toolbox is composed of the ExtJS, OpenLayers , GeoExt JavaScript toolkits.

MapFish is open source, and distributed under the BSD license.

In this module, you’re going to familiarize yourselves with the MapFish framework. More specifically, you’re going to install MapFish, create a basic MapFish application, and generate a MapFish web service in this application.

Install MapFish

To be able to create a MapFish application, the MapFish framework must be installed.

MapFish is typically installed in a virtual Python environment.


A virtual Python environment is a Python environment isolated from the main, system-wide Python environment. A virtual Python environment allows to install and uninstall Python packages as a regular user, i.e. with no admin priviledges.

There are multiple ways to install MapFish. The official and documented way involves downloading and executing the so-called go script.

Task #1

Open a terminal, change to mapfish_workshop directory, an install MapFish using the following commands:

$ wget
$ python --no-site-packages env

The last command line creates a directory named env in the current directory (mapfish_workshop). The --no-site-packages switch specifies that you want a virtual environment that is isolated from the main, system-wide environment, which means that Python packages installed in the main environment won’t be available in the virtual environment.

The go script creates a virtual Python environment, and install MapFish and its dependencies into it.

Task #2

You can verify that MapFish is correctly installed by entering this command:

$ env/bin/paster create --list-templates

and verifying that you get this in the output:

Available templates:
  basic_package:   A basic setuptools-enabled package
  mapfish:         MapFish application template
  mapfish_client:  MapFish client plugin template
  paste_deploy:    A web application deployed through paste.deploy
  pylons:          Pylons application template
  pylons_minimal:  Pylons minimal application template

Make sure the mapfish and mapfish_client templates are listed. If so then MapFish is correctly installed. Congrats!

Create a MapFish application

Creating a MapFish application involves applying the mapfish template, and optionally the mapfish_client template. The mapfish template creates the base, the mapfish_client template adds the JavaScript programming environment to the application.

Task #3

In the same terminal create a MapFish application named MyApp using this command:

$ env/bin/paster create -t mapfish MyApp sqlalchemy=true template_engine=mako

This command creates a MyApp directory, containing the MyApp application.

sqlalchemy=true specifies that you want to use the SQLAlchemy database toolkit, and template_engine=mako specifies that you want to use Mako as the tempate engine. Both settings are typical when working with MapFish.

Answer “yes” to all questions.

A MapFish application is a Pylons application with specificities. One of these specificities is to be able to create REST web services for querying and editing geographic objects. You will create such a web service in the next section.

At this point you haven’t applied the mapfish_client template, so the JavaScript toolbox, composed of ExtJS, OpenLayers and GeoExt, isn’t installed yet.

Task #4

Apply the mapfish_client template on the MyApp application and execute the application using the Paste HTTP server:

$ cd ~/mapfish_workshop
$ env/bin/paster create -t mapfish_client MyApp
$ cd MyApp
$ ../env/bin/paster serve development.ini

Open http://locahost:5000 in Iceweasel.

Hit CTRL+C to shut down the server.

The mapfish_client template installs ExtJS, OpenLayers, GeoExt, and a sample JavaScript application based on these librairies.

Task #5

Take some time to browse the application source tree, and view a few files. In particular you can view myapp/public/app/lib/App/main.js and myapp/public/app/lib/App/layout.js which contain the JavaScript making up the web interface.

Create a MapFish Web Service

One of the things that MapFish adds to Pylons is the ability to easily create HTTP web services for querying and editing geographic objects stored in geospatial databases.

To illustrate this we’re going to create such a web service in this section.

The Debian GNU/Linux system executes PostgreSQL 8.4 and PostGIS 1.5.

A database named v2.2_mapfishsample is available, it includes a table named poi_osm that contain POIs from the OSM dataset. The MapFish web service we’re going to create will rely on this table. It will provide HTTP interfaces for creating, reading, updating, and deleting POIs.


The shapefile used to create the poi_osm table are available in the MapFishSample SVN directory at <>.

This directory also includes a shell script to import the shapefile into a PostGIS table. This script is to be executed by the postgres user with this command line:

$ ./create_database.bash -p

Again, users of the virtual machine don’t need to execute this script.


You can launch pgAdmin and use the localhost connection to connect to the v2.2_mapfishsample database and view the poi_osm table.

Creating a MapFish web service is a three-step process:

  1. Edit the layers.ini file, and add a section for the targeted database table.
  2. Execute the paster mf-layer command, specifying the name of the section created at the previous step.
  3. Add routes for the web service. Routes are rules matching URLs to Python code.

Task #6

Edit the development.ini file and replace the sqlalchemy.url line by this one:

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://www-data:www-data@localhost/v2.2_mapfishsample

The sqlalchemy.url variable defines the connection to the PostgreSQL database.

Task #7

In this task you’re going to actually create a MapFish web service for the poi_osm table.

  1. Edit the layers.ini and add this content:

  2. Run the paster mf-layer command:

    $ ../env/bin/paster mf-layer pois
  3. Edit myapp/config/ and add the following two lines after the # CUSTOM ROUTES HERE line:

    map.connect("/pois/count", controller="pois", action="count")
    map.resource("poi", "pois")

    Watch the indentation! 4 spaces, no tabs

  4. You can now run the Paste HTTP Serve again:

    $ ../env/bin/paster serve development.ini

    And open http://localhost:5000/pois?limit=1 to see the web service in action.

Understand the MapFish Protocol

MapFish web services implement the MapFish Protocol. The protocol defines APIs to create, read, update, and delete geographic objects.

To read objects the HTTP verb GET is used. To create, update, and delete objects the verbs POST, PUT, and DELETE are used, respectively. GeoJSON is used as the representation format.

Task #7

Open in one tab of the browser.

In another tab find the URLs that correspond to the following queries:

  1. The first POI in the table (This one is very easy, as the answer was provided in the previous Task).
  2. The second POI in the table.
  3. POIs ordered by their ratings, from the highest to the lowest.
  4. The POIs included in the bounding box defined by these coordinates: 658617.26544395,5711420.1369314,659047.223728,5711725.8850445.
  5. POIs that are restaurants.
  6. The POI whose id is 6.
  7. The total number of POIs in the table.