G | |
Gears, OpenLayers. | |
geodetic | |
GeoJSON, OpenLayers. | |
geometry | |
Geometry, OpenLayers. | |
geometryName, OpenLayers. | |
geometryType, OpenLayers. | |
geometryTypes | |
geons, OpenLayers. | |
GeoRSS | |
georssns, OpenLayers. | |
GeoStat, mapfish. | |
GET, OpenLayers. | |
getAllInOneUrl, mapfish. | |
getArea | |
getAttributeNodeNS, OpenLayers. | |
getAttributeNS, OpenLayers. | |
getBounds, OpenLayers. | |
getBy, OpenLayers.Map | |
getCenter, OpenLayers.Map | |
getCenterLonLat, OpenLayers. | |
getCenterPixel, OpenLayers. | |
getCentroid | |
getChildEl, OpenLayers. | |
getChildValue, OpenLayers. | |
getCode | |
getColorsArrayByRgbInterpolation, mapfish. | |
getConfiguration, mapfish. | |
getControl, OpenLayers.Map | |
getControlsBy | |
getControlsByClass | |
getControlsByName, OpenLayers. | |
getCurDpi, mapfish. | |
getCurLayout, mapfish. | |
getDataExtent | |
getDimensions, OpenLayers. | |
getElementsByTagNameNS, OpenLayers. | |
getExtent | |
GetFeature, OpenLayers. | |
getFeatureById, OpenLayers. | |
getFilter, mapfish. | |
getFullRequestString | |
getGeodesicArea | |
getGeodesicLength | |
getHeight | |
getImageSize, OpenLayers. | |
getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat | |
getLayer, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLayerIndex, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLayerPxFromLonLat, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLayerPxFromViewPortPx, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLayersBy, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLayersByClass, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLayersByName, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLength | |
getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat | |
getLonLatFromPixel, OpenLayers.Map | |
getLonLatFromViewPortPx, OpenLayers. | |
getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds, OpenLayers. | |
getMapObjectCenter | |
getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat | |
getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel | |
getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat | |
getMapObjectPixelFromXY | |
getMapObjectSizeFromOLSize, OpenLayers. | |
getMapObjectZoom | |
getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds, OpenLayers. | |
getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom, OpenLayers. | |
getMaxExtent, OpenLayers.Map | |
getMaxResolution, OpenLayers.Map | |
getNextEl, OpenLayers. | |
getNextElement, OpenLayers. | |
getNodeLayers, mapfish. | |
getNumLayers, OpenLayers.Map | |
getNumZoomLevels, OpenLayers.Map | |
getOLBoundsFromMapObjectBounds, OpenLayers. | |
getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom, OpenLayers. | |
getPixelFromLonLat, OpenLayers.Map | |
getProjection, OpenLayers.Map | |
getProjectionObject, OpenLayers.Map | |
getResolution | |
getResolutionForZoom | |
getSafeContentSize, OpenLayers. | |
getScale, OpenLayers.Map | |
getScrollbarWidth, Util | |
getSize | |
getStyle, OpenLayers. | |
getTileBounds | |
getTilesBounds, OpenLayers. | |
getTileSize, OpenLayers.Map | |
getUnits | |
getURL, OpenLayers. | |
getVertices | |
getViewPortPxFromLayerPx, OpenLayers.Map | |
getViewPortPxFromLonLat | |
getVisibility, OpenLayers. | |
getWarningHTML | |
getWidth, OpenLayers. | |
getXFromMapObjectPixel | |
getYFromMapObjectPixel | |
getZIndex, OpenLayers. | |
getZoom, OpenLayers.Map | |
getZoomForExtent | |
getZoomForResolution | |
GML | |
gmlns, OpenLayers. | |
goOffline, mapfish. | |
Google, OpenLayers. | |
goOnline, mapfish. | |
GPX, OpenLayers. | |
granularity, OpenLayers. | |
grid, mapfish. | |
Grid, OpenLayers. | |
GridRowFeatureMediator, mapfish. | |
grids, mapfish. | |
group, OpenLayers. | |
groupEnd, OpenLayers. | |
gutter, OpenLayers. |
Send an HTTP GET request.
GET: function( config )
Creates the URL string for generating a PDF using the print module.
getAllInOneUrl: function()
Calculate the area of this geometry.
getArea: function()
getArea: function()
Calculated by subtracting the areas of the internal holes from the area of the outer hole.
getArea: function()
{Float} The area of the geometry
getArea: function()
Get an attribute node given the namespace URI and local name.
getAttributeNodeNS: function( node, uri, name )
Get an attribute value given the namespace URI and local name.
getAttributeNS: function( node, uri, name )
Get the bounds for this Geometry.
getBounds: function()
Get a list of objects given a property and a match item.
getBy: function( array, property, match )
getCenter: function ()
{OpenLayers.LonLat} The center of the bounds in map space.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The center of the bounds in pixel space.
Calculate the centroid of this geometry.
getCentroid: function()
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} The centroid of the collection
getCentroid: function()
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} The centroid of the collection
getCentroid: function()
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} The centroid of the collection
getCentroid: function()
Get the first child element.
getChildEl: function( node, name, uri )
Get the textual value of the node if it exists, or return an optional default string.
getChildValue: function( node, def )
Get the current language code.
getCode: function()
Get the string SRS code.
getCode: function()
Get an array of colors based on RGB interpolation.
mapfish.ColorRgb.getColorsArrayByRgbInterpolation = function( firstColor, lastColor, nbColors )
Does an AJAX call to get the print configuration from the server.
mapfish.PrintProtocol.getConfiguration = function( url, success, failure, context, params )
getControl: function ( id )
Get a list of controls with properties matching the given criteria.
getControlsBy: function( property, match )
Get a list of controls with properties matching the given criteria.
getControlsBy: function( property, match )
Get a list of controls of a given type (CLASS_NAME).
getControlsByClass: function( match )
Get a list of controls of a given class (CLASS_NAME).
getControlsByClass: function( match )
Get a list of contorls with names matching the given name.
getControlsByName: function( match )
Override this method if you want to use another logic.
getCurDpi: function()
Override this method if you want to use another logic.
getCurLayout: function()
Calculates the max extent which includes all of the markers.
getDataExtent: function ()
Calculates the max extent which includes all of the features.
getDataExtent: function ()
Calculates the max extent which includes all of the layer data.
getDataExtent: function ()
getDimensions: function( element )
Get a list of elements on a node given the namespace URI and local name.
getElementsByTagNameNS: function( node, uri, name )
{OpenLayers.Bounds} A Bounds object which represents the lon/lat bounds of the current viewPort.
getExtent: function()
Calculates using px-> lonlat translation functions on tl and br corners of viewport
getExtent: function ()
{OpenLayers.Bounds} A Bounds object which represents the lon/lat bounds of the current viewPort.
getExtent: function ()
Given a feature id, return the feature if it exists in the features array
getFeatureById: function( featureId )
Return a {OpenLayers.Filter} from this searcher’s form.
getFilter: function()
combine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.
getFullRequestString:function( newParams, altUrl )
Combine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.
getFullRequestString:function( newParams, altUrl )
Calculate the approximate area of the polygon were it projected onto the earth.
getGeodesicArea: function( projection )
Calculate the approximate area of the polygon were it projected onto the earth.
getGeodesicArea: function( projection )
Calculate the approximate area of the polygon were it projected onto the earth.
getGeodesicArea: function( projection )
Calculate the approximate length of the geometry were it projected onto the earth.
getGeodesicLength: function( projection )
Calculate the approximate length of the geometry were it projected onto the earth.
getGeodesicLength: function( projection )
{Float} The height of the bounds (top minus bottom).
getHeight: function( element )
{OpenLayers.Size} The size that the image should be, taking into account gutters.
getImageSize: function()
getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
Get a layer based on its id
getLayer: function( id )
getLayerIndex: function ( layer )
getLayerPxFromLonLat: function ( lonlat )
getLayerPxFromViewPortPx:function( viewPortPx )
Get a list of layers with properties matching the given criteria.
getLayersBy: function( property, match )
Get a list of layers of a given class (CLASS_NAME).
getLayersByClass: function( match )
Get a list of layers with names matching the given name.
getLayersByName: function( match )
Calculate the length of this geometry
getLength: function()
{Float} The length of the curve
getLength: function()
{Float} The length of the geometry
getLength: function()
getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getLonLatFromPixel: function ( px )
getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function ( viewPortPx )
getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds: function( olBounds )
{Object} The mapObject’s current center in Map Object format
getMapObjectCenter: function()
{Object} The mapObject’s current center in Map Object format
getMapObjectCenter: function()
{Object} The mapObject’s current center in Map Object format
getMapObjectCenter: function()
{Object} The mapObject’s current center in Map Object format
getMapObjectCenter: function()
getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function( lon, lat )
getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function( lon, lat )
getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function( lon, lat )
getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function( lon, lat )
getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function( moLonLat )
getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function( x, y )
getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function( x, y )
getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function( x, y )
getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function( x, y )
getMapObjectSizeFromOLSize: function( olSize )
{Integer} The mapObject’s current zoom, in Map Object format
getMapObjectZoom: function()
{Integer} The mapObject’s current zoom, in Map Object format
getMapObjectZoom: function()
{Integer} The mapObject’s current zoom, in Map Object format
getMapObjectZoom: function()
{Integer} The mapObject’s current zoom, in Map Object format
getMapObjectZoom: function()
getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds: function( moBounds )
getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom: function( olZoom )
getMaxExtent: function ( options )
{String} The Map’s Maximum Resolution
getMaxResolution: function()
Get the next sibling element.
getNextEl: function( node, name, uri )
Get the next element in the order stack.
getNextElement: function( index )
mapfish.widgets.LayerTree.getNodeLayers = function( layerTree, node )
{Int} The number of layers attached to the map.
getNumLayers: function ()
{Integer} The total number of zoom levels that can be displayed by the current baseLayer.
getNumZoomLevels: function()
getOLBoundsFromMapObjectBounds: function( moBounds )
getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom: function( moZoom )
Returns a pixel location given a map location.
getPixelFromLonLat: function ( lonlat )
This method returns a string representing the projection.
getProjection: function()
Returns the projection obect from the baselayer.
getProjectionObject: function()
{Float} The currently selected resolution of the map, taken from the resolutions array, indexed by current zoom level.
getResolution: function()
Get the current map resolution
getResolution: function()
{Float} The current resolution of the map.
getResolution: function ()
getResolutionForZoom: function( zoom )
getResolutionForZoom: function( zoom )
getSafeContentSize: function( size )
{Float} The current scale denominator of the map.
getScale: function ()
This function has been modified by the OpenLayers from the original version, written by Matthew Eernisse and released under the Apache 2 license here:
OpenLayers.Util.getScrollbarWidth = function()
{OpenLayers.Size} The size of the box.
{OpenLayers.Size} An OpenLayers.Size object that represents the size, in pixels, of the div into which OpenLayers has been loaded.
getSize: function ()
getStyle: function( element, style )
Returns The tile bounds for a layer given a pixel location.
getTileBounds: function( viewPortPx )
Returns The tile bounds for a layer given a pixel location.
getTileBounds: function( viewPortPx )
Return the bounds of the tile grid.
getTilesBounds: function()
Get the tile size for the map
getTileSize: function()
{Float} The current units of the map.
getUnits: function ()
Get the units string for the projection -- returns null if proj4js is not available.
getUnits: function()
The url we return is always the same (the image itself never changes) so we can ignore the bounds parameter (it will always be the same, anyways)
getURL: function( bounds )
Return a list of all points in this geometry.
getVertices: function( nodes )
Return a list of all points in this geometry.
getVertices: function( nodes )
Return a list of all points in this geometry.
getVertices: function( nodes )
Return a list of all points in this geometry.
getVertices: function( nodes )
Return a list of all points in this geometry.
getVertices: function( nodes )
getViewPortPxFromLayerPx:function( layerPx )
Returns a pixel location given a map location.
getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function ( lonlat )
getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function ( lonlat )
{Boolean} The layer should be displayed (if in range).
getVisibility: function()
{String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get it working.
{String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get it working.
{String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get it working.
{String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get it working.
{Float} The width of the bounds
getXFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getXFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getXFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getXFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getYFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getYFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getYFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
getYFromMapObjectPixel: function( moPixel )
Get the z-index value for the current node from the node data itself.
getZIndex: function( node )
getZoom: function ()
getZoomForExtent: function( extent, closest )
getZoomForExtent: function ( bounds, closest )
getZoomForResolution: function( resolution, closest )
getZoomForResolution: function( resolution, closest )
Manually goes offline, away from the network.
goOffline: function()
Attempts to go online.
goOnline: function()
Writes a message to the console and opens a nested block to indent all future messages sent to the console.
group: function()
Closes the most recently opened block created by a call to OpenLayers.Console.group
groupEnd: function()