Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 featureAdded, OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature
 featureClass, OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
 featureCoordSys, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
 featureDescription, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 featureIdentifier, OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 featureName, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 featurens, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 featurePrefix, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 features, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 featureTitle, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 fids, OpenLayers.Filter.FeatureId
 fieldLabel, mapfish.widgets.recenter.DataField
 filterCoordSys, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
 filters, OpenLayers.Filter.Logical
 finish, OpenLayers.Tween
 foldersDesc, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 foldersName, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 geometryName, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 geometryType, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 geons, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 georssns, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 gmlns, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 granularity, OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition
 grids, mapfish.widgets.print.Base
 gutter, OpenLayers.Layer
 h, OpenLayers.Size
 handleRightClicks, OpenLayers.Control.Navigation
 hasOfflineCache, mapfish.Offline
 highlightOnly, OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature
 icon, OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS
 id, OpenLayers.Layer
 imageSize, OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud
 includeXY, OpenLayers.Events
 indent, OpenLayers.Format.JSON
 infoPanel, mapfish.widgets.print.SimpleForm
 internalProjection, OpenLayers.Format
 irregular, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon
 isDefault, OpenLayers.Style
 isVector, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 keepData, OpenLayers.Format
 keyMask, OpenLayers.Handler
 kmlns, OpenLayers.Format.KML
{Boolean} Should OpenLayers allow events on the map to fall through to other elements on the page, or should it swallow them? 
{Function} Called after each feature is added
{OpenLayers.Feature} If featureClass is defined, an old-style markers based WFS layer is created instead of a new-style vector layer.
{String} Code for feature coordinate system.
{String} Default description for features.
{String} All xml nodes containing this search criteria will populate an internal array of feature nodes for each layer node found.
{String} Element name for features.
{String} Feature Attributes namespace.
{String} Namespace used for feature attributes.
{String} The feature namespace.
{String} Namespace alias (or prefix) for feature nodes.
{Boolean} A boolean value specifying whether feature selection must be put in place.
{Boolean} A boolean value specifying whether feature selection must be put in place.
{Boolean} A boolean value specifying whether feature selection must be put in place.
{String} Default title for features.
{} Definition of a feature record, created by
{Array(String) or String} The local (without prefix) feature typeName(s).
{Array(String)} Feature Ids to evaluate this rule against.
{String} The label used in front of the combo box, defaults to null.
{Object} An Array of field definition objects as passed to, or a Record constructor created using
{Function} a filter function called for each feature to be inserted, the feature is passed as an argument to the function, if it returns true the feature is inserted into the store, otherwise the feature is not inserted.
{Function} a filter function called for each feature to be inserted, the feature is passed as an argument to the function, if it returns true the feature is inserted into the store, otherwise the feature is not inserted.
{Function} a filter function called for each feature to be inserted, the feature is passed as an argument to the function, if it returns true the feature is inserted into the store, otherwise the feature is not inserted.
{String} Code for filter coordinate system.
{Array(OpenLayers.Filter)} Child filters for this filter.
{Object} Values to finish the animation with
{Boolean} We want the framed popup to work dynamically placed relative to its anchor but also in just one fixed position.
{Boolean} The Framed Cloud popup works in just one fixed position.
{String} Description of the folders.
{String} Name of the folders.
{DOMElement} The form node.
{OpenLayers.Format} The OpenLayers format used to get features from the HTTP request response.
{OpenLayers.Format} The OpenLayers format used to get features from the HTTP request response.
{OpenLayers.Format} The OpenLayers format used to get features from the HTTP request response.
{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with.
{String} Mime type of the images returned.
{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
{Object} The configuration options passed to the form that edits the options common to every pages.
{Object} The configuration options passed to the form.
{Boolean} True if the projection is geodetic, for a correct scale calculation.
{Boolean} True if the projection is geodetic, for a correct scale calculation.
{String} Name of geometry element.
{String} Name of geometry element.
{String} geometryType allows you to limit the types of geometries this layer supports.
{Array(String)} To restrict dragging to a limited set of geometry types, send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
{Array(String)} To restrict modification to a limited set of geometry types, send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
{Array(String)} To restrict selecting to a limited set of geometry types, send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
{String} W3C Geo namespace to use.
{String} GeoRSS namespace to use.
{String} GML Namespace.
{Ext.grid.GridPanel} The grid panel.
{Object} An optional dictionary of {Ext.grid.GridPanel}.
{Integer} Determines the width (in pixels) of the gutter around image tiles to ignore.
{Number} height
{Boolean} Whether or not to handle right clicks.
{Object} Used to set non-default properties on the control’s handler
{Object} Additional options for the handlers used by this control.
{Object} Used to set non-default properties on the control’s handler
{Object} Additional options for the handlers used by this control, e.g.
{Boolean} If true do not actually select features (i.e.
{Boolean} Send feature requests on mouse moves.
{Boolean} Select on mouse over and deselect on mouse out.
{Boolean} Send GetFeatureInfo requests when mouse stops moving.
{Boolean} Should the .xy property automatically be created for browser mouse events? 
{String} For “pretty” printing, the indent string will be used once for each indentation level.
{String} Defines the attribute to apply classification on
{String} (read-only) The feature attribute currently chosen Useful if callbacks are registered on ‘featureselected’ and ‘featureunselected’ events
{String} (read-only) The feature attribute currently chosen Useful if callbacks are registered on ‘featureselected’ and ‘featureunselected’ events
{String} (read-only) The raw value of the currently chosen indicator (ie.
{String} (read-only) The raw value of the currently chosen indicator (ie.
{Ext.Panel} An optional panel displayed after form fields.
{OpenLayers.Projection} When passed a externalProjection and internalProjection, the format will reproject the geometries it reads or writes.
{Boolean} Draw an irregular polygon instead of a regular polygon.
{Boolean} The image has some alpha and thus needs to use the alpha image hack.
{Boolean} The FramedCloud does not use an alpha image (in honor of the good ie6 folk out there)
{Boolean} Whether or not the layer is a base layer.
{Boolean} Default is true for ArcGIS93Rest layer
{Boolean} The layer is a base layer.
{Boolean} KaMap Layer is always a base layer
{Boolean} Treat this layer as a base layer.
{Boolean} Markers layer is never a base layer.
{Boolean} Treat this layer as a base layer.
{Boolean} The layer is a base layer.
{Boolean} WFS layer is not a base layer by default.
{Boolean} Default is true for WMS layer
WorldWind layer is a base layer by default.
Default is true, as this is designed to be a base tile source.
{Boolean} EventPaned layers are fixed by default.
{Boolean} Whether the layer remains in one place while dragging the map.
{Boolean} Whether the layer is a vector layer.
{Object} Maintain a reference (data) to the most recently read data.
{Boolean} If panMapIfOutOfView is false, and this property is true, contrain the popup such that it always fits in the available map space.
{Boolean} If panMapIfOutOfView is false, and this property is true, contrain the popup such that it always fits in the available map space.
{Integer} Use bitwise operators and one or more of the OpenLayers.Handler constants to construct a keyMask.
{String} KML Namespace to use.